
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

happy happy 2nd birthday lil girl!

i can't believe my little harper is 2 today. wow. here are the things this sweet thang is doing at 2 years old!
-favorite foods: hard boiled eggs, hummus, pasta, grape, pears, cereal w/ milk, bagel w/ cream cheese, yogurt
-favorite things: balloons, elmo, mr. potato head, letters, your friends
-favorite things to do: SINGING! that is the top of the list (frere jacques, abcd's, tinkle tinkle, wheels on the bus and row row row your boat), playing follow the leader, swinging, playing 'night night' and making all your stuffed animals go to sleep
-our favorite things you say: 'hold you', 'i u' for i love you, somehow you are still saying 'mo-ney' for more, 'bless you harper' when you sneeze
we are continually amazed by you. you are beautiful, independent, silly, smart and a real picture of God's goodness. thank you for filling our home with songs and laughter. we love you so much monkey!

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